From The Blog
Update and Thank You
To: Residents and Families of Residents
From: Laurie Cerqueti, CEO
Date: March 20, 2020
Subject: Update and Thank You
Thank you for your patience and support during this very difficult and unprecedented time. Your words of encouragement have brought comfort and strength to all of us. I am so proud of our staff for rising up, pulling together, and working as a team.
Our Leadership Team meets daily to discuss and make decisions as new information becomes available from Shared Health.
Donations of toothbrushes and tooth paste from dentists were made for our staff in the event they have to be at The Centre 24/7. Also donated were travel sized shampoo, conditioner, body soap and body lotion.
Feeding and Swallowing training sessions are being conducted for non-medical staff in the event they are required to assist with feeding residents.
Skype and/or FaceTime sessions for families are being arranged by our Therapeutic Recreation. They will be sending out a message today explaining how you can connect with your loved ones.
Although the circumstances we face are challenging and changing quickly. I want to assure you that your loved ones are being cared for. We will be reviewing companion visits in the next 14 days.
I encourage you to check our Facebook Page and Instagram often. We are posting pictures so that you can see us and hear about the things we are doing during this time of restricted visiting. At this time, you can deliver care packages for your loved one at the front door. Therapeutic Recreation will explain more in their communique later today.
If you would like to receive these updates directly by email, please email Janet at