Social Worker – Admissions Process

Understanding the provincial process

Admissions to personal care homes in Manitoba are a Regional Health Authority responsibility, and a standard process is followed.

This process begins with WRHA Home Care.  The Home Care Coordinator will panel an individual for long-term care placement if they require 24-hour support and supervision.

The paneling process involves collecting a medical assessment, the completion of a dependency assessment, and a behavioural supplement. The WRHA Long Term Care Access Centre will review this information.  The information collected forms the individual’s application.  If the review reveals that an individual meets the requirements of long-term care, they are accepted and considered paneled.

Residents are charged a per diem rate based on income reported on their income tax.  The per diem rates are standardized and set by Manitoba Health based on the Notice of Assessment from the Canada Revenue Agency.   This is paid directly to the provincial government.  The assessment is decided based on the need.  The daily rate is re-assessed annually.  If a spouse is entering the facility, the rate is based on the couple’s combined income. For more information on Personal Care services and charges, please visit

Please contact the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority  for more information.

Contact Aujah our Social Worker / (204) 589-9006 /

Admission Package 2025

Resident Handbook 2024


We welcome and encourage Residents and their families to offer feedback and suggestions to enhance life at the Centre.  If you have a few minutes, we hope that you will fill in the surveys provided below.

Post Admission Family Questionnaire Survey

Voice of the Resident Survey – Annually After Care Conferences

Audio, Video, and Photographic Recordings – WRHA #10.40.280


Clean, modern, and well-maintained
The Saul & Claribel Simkin Centre is a bright and modern facility with comfortable rooms and inviting common areas.
The 200-bed facility includes the Weinberg Building, the Simkin Building, and the Saul Morantz Building.
Common areas include the Stall/Gobuty Synagogue, the Tallman Multi-Purpose room, the Anita Molly Keives Garden, the Garden Café, and more.