Frequently Asked Questions

Important information about The Saul & Claribel Simkin Centre

Is the Centre only open to Jewish residents?

The Saul & Claribel Simkin Centre is a publicly-funded, faith-based personal care home and welcomes people of all backgrounds. The Centre works with clergy to ensure that the spiritual needs of all of our residents are met. While numbers fluctuate, Jewish residents typically comprise most of the population.

Is it kosher?

The Saul & Claribel Simkin Centre is certified kosher by the VKW and employs a part-time mashgiach to ensure the highest standards are maintained.

What does the Centre do in the event of a resident medical emergency

As a personal care home, The Saul & Claribel Simkin Centre is well-equipped to handle the day-to-day needs of residents, but not severe health conditions or medical emergencies. We enjoy a strong relationship with the Victoria General Hospital where we send patients who require emergency attention. It’s been said that a personal care home is neither a hospital nor an assisted living facility. Instead, it occupies an important place in between.

How many nurses and doctors are available?

Nursing staffing levels are set and funded by Manitoba Health. Currently, this works out to 3.6 hours of nurse staff time per resident, per day. 15% of our nursing staff is made up of Registered Nurses or Registered Psychiatric Nurses; 15% are Licensed Practical Nurses; and 70% are Health Care Aides.

While personal care homes do not have doctors onsite at all times, The Saul & Claribel Simkin Centre offers comprehensive medical care with five attending physicians and two consulting psychiatrists. There is always a doctor on call.

A resident can continue to see his/her own doctor if the doctor agrees to be available at any time or has a call service.

How do I get a room at the Centre for my parent?

The personal care home admissions process falls under the auspices of Manitoba Health. Click here to learn more.

How much does it cost to live at the Centre?

Daily fee is calculated for each resident. This fee is based on resident’s net income (minus taxes payable) as reported on previous year Notice of Assessment from Canada Revenue Agency.

For 2020-2021 rate year is based on 2019 Notice of Assessment and  the resident’s contribution is between $39.40 and $95.20 a day.

What is the average age of your residents?

The number continues to get higher and higher, thanks to advanced medications and treatment. The average age of a resident at the Centre is around 89.

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