From The Blog
Simkin Centre Receives Gift from Gray Academy of Jewish Education Students.
Simkin Centre Receives Gift from Gray Academy of Jewish Education Students. Excerpt from the article: “One of the issues that moved the students this past year was the Simkin Centre’s effort to enhance the lives of residents living with dementia. Specifically, the students provided funds to the Centre’s new Music & Memory Program, which was initially established with a significant donation from a community member.”
“‘We know that music can stimulate positive memories for people living with dementia,’ says Irwin Corobow, CEO of the Simkin Centre. ‘You can’t overstate the role of music in long-term care.'”
“The Simkin Centre has recently been certified as a Music & Memory site, and staff have been trained to execute the program effectively. Customized playlists are carefully developed with residents and their families, and residents will use iPods and headphones to enjoy their selections.”
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