From The Blog

Updates to 2016/2017 Residential Charges

Below is an excerpt of what we received from the Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Financial Officer, Dan Skwarchuk, from Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living Administration and Finance office. If you have a loved one living at the Simkin Centre, please make note.

“As you are aware, each year the rates for residential charges change effective August 1st under government regulations. This is usually communicated early in July, with information pamphlets distributed to the RHAs allowing preparation for implementation of the new rates shortly thereafter. Due to the election this year and a later than usual release of 2016/17 estimates minutes, approval of residents rates has been delayed. This unfortunately will result in the RHAs not receiving revised rate information until late July or even early August. We will make any updated information available based on government approval…….Based on timing and your capability to implement changes quickly, this could result in use of old rates in August and applying the changes retroactively in September.”

We share this with you so that you will be informed regarding your residential charges. Thank you for your understanding. This situation is out of our control.

If you have any questions, please call our Financial Services Assistant at (204) 589-9047.

Posted on July 22, 2016.