From The Blog

The Rug

The rug you see below has been with us since 1980. It used to hang on the wall in the Atruim at the Kanee Centre. It was always a mystery as to who made the hook rug. When we moved from the Kanee Centre to the Simkin Centre in 2008, the rug was almost lost in the move. When we found it, we decided to hang it in the Tallman Multi-Purpose Room. Recently, one of our family members recognized the rug and said that his mother made it. Pictured is Evelyn Golden who made the rug and her son, Leslie Moss. A plaque was ordered and hung next to the rug. Evelyn makes sure that she tells everyone as she points to the wall that “she made that rug”.


Evelyn Golden and son Leslie Moss

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Posted on November 17, 2016.