From The Blog
Our 1st Positive Covid Case
Late yesterday afternoon, we were notified that one of our Residents tested positive for Covid-19. The affected Resident has been moved to our Adult Day Program space which has been designated as our Covid-19 Isolation Unit. Dedicated staff will work in this area exclusively to prevent possible spread of the virus. All families have been notified of the outbreak, both by email and telephone. All affected staff have been contacted. All visitation is suspended until further notice. Exceptions will be made for end of life care situations. All residents will be required to stay on their home nursing unit and will be monitored for symptoms. Residents on the affected unit will be taking meals in their room. All staff are screened prior to their shift and will continue to wear the required personal protective equipment and continue routine practices such as hand hygiene. Enhanced cleaning practices are in place throughout the Centre. We are following all Shared Health guidelines and will provide more information as it becomes available. Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support.