From The Blog

Letter to the Editor

Below is a Letter to the Editor that was published in the latest edition of The Jewish Post and News.

“Bernie, I feel the need to send a large thank you to the Clergy and Sisterhood at the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue and to the Gray Academy.

Our residents are fortunate to experience the wonderful music and singing brought to the Centre by Rabbi Green, Cantor Mass, and just recently, Rabbinic Intern Mathew Liebel. Rabbi Green and Cantor Mass have been coming to The Centre on a regular basis for some years and their presence has enriched our Jewish life immensely. Mathew was here at the Centre on May 11 for our Mothers’ Day Tea which was hosted by the Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood, and he entertained our residents with a wonderful medley of songs on the piano dear to the heart of our residents. The Sisterhood has been hosting a Hanukah Party and Mothers’ Day Tea here for many years. It is all so generous of the Synagogue for this support.

I also want to thank the students and staff at Gray Academy. The kindergarten class also came to our Mother’s Day Tea and sang for our residents. Having the ‘little ones” in The Centre is quite a treat. We look forward throughout the year to visits from Gray Academy students of all ages who come to be with us on important Jewish Festivals.”

Posted on May 24, 2017.