From The Blog
Communicating with You
By Kathleen Klaasen, RN, MN, GNC(c)
Chief Executive Officer, The Saul & Claribel Simkin Centre
We are proud to welcome you to our new website, our latest initiative designed to keep residents, families, staff, and the community informed about life at The Saul & Claribel Simkin Centre.
Our former site served us well for a long time, but we concluded that it was time to freshen up the site’s structure and make it easier for people to use.
Also, the platform we are using makes it easy for us to update the content on our own, in a more timely fashion than ever before.
I’m especially excited about this “blog” space you’re reading right now. As CEO, I will now have the opportunity to communicate more frequently. We will also use this space to share photos of recent programs, and advise the community of upcoming events and important developments at the Centre.
We have been stepping up our communications efforts over many months because our Board and staff recognize the very significant role this personal care home plays in the Jewish community and the sense of ownership the community feels. We are also communicating more because we are very proud of the work we do, the programs we run, and the lives we touch. Communicating is our responsibility, and it’s also our honour.
I invite you to return to the site frequently, and I encourage you to sign up for our electronic newsletter by clicking on the link above. Finally, I welcome your comments on our communications efforts and indeed on any aspect of life at The Saul & Claribel Simkin Centre.