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2018 Family Education Award Recipient

The Saul and Claribel Simkin Centre Family Education Award – 2018 Award Winner – Mike Myschyshyn

Congratulations to Mike Myschyshyn, son of Olga Myschyshyn, who works in The Simkin Centre Therapeutic Recreation Program.  Mike will be entering his second year of a three year Juris Doctor (Law)  Program at the University of Manitoba. His goal is to be patent lawyer.. Mike has previously completed a Masters Degree in Science at Simon Fraser University. The award this year is $2500. Presenting the award to Mike at the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Scholarship Award Ceremony, held on June 12, 2018, were Billy Brodovsky on behalf of the Brodovsky family,  and Irwin Corobow, Chief Executive Officer of The Simkin Centre.

In 2008, Sheila and David Brodovsky, their brother Harvey Brodovsky, and friends Catherine (Kady) and Mauricez’’l Tauber launched the Saul & Claribel Simkin Centre Family Education Fund at The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba. . Their parents – Nellie Brodovskyz’’l, Ethel Piercez’’l, Dr. Maurice (Moe) Piercez’’l, and Samuel Tauberz’’l – were all residents of the Sharon Home and then the Simkin Centre for varying periods between 1997 and 2009. Through hundreds of visits over many years, the Fund’s founders were moved by the hard work and tender care offered by so many front-line nurses and aides. “We wanted to do something special for the people who work at the Centre,”  says David Brodovsky, “so we set up this scholarship program as a way to express our gratitude for the kindnesses extended to our parents and to us.”. The Fund awards the children of long service employees the opportunities to pursue post-secondary education. The award is based on financial need, academic achievement, and community involvement.

If you are interested in contributing to The Simkin Centre Education Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba go to –

Posted on June 18, 2018.